Friday, December 8, 2006

All Work and No Play Makes Sam a Curmudgeon?

"They say" that all work and no play makes one a dull person.  Sometimes its a good thing to work very very hard with the end goal in mind of having time to play.  When I was working very hard every day doing legal writing I was just ornery enough to put tiny little fun things into my writing.  Judges looked forward to reading the things I had written, and they liked looking for the tiny little fun things I usually "snuck" in.  Most of the times they were tiny little puns, or ironic twists I'd manage.  I worked off and on for the same lawyer for a number of years.  Whenever I'd write something that would go to Court, the Judges would say to the boss "I see you've got your paralegal back."

Sometimes men work too hard and don't take time to play, even though I'm sure they schedule times to do their own dreaming.  Lots of times men work too hard because they don't really want to go home for one reason or another.

I worked for a man like that.  I asked him one day if he thought he would ever retire, and he said something about being taken away in a long box.   I knew his wife too.  She was awful and used to work in the same office, but she also liked to go out and spend lots of money.  I know why he liked to hide out at the office.  She ran him into the ground actually, or tried to do so.  He had a stroke, but he seemed to have recovered enough to still come downtown.  Someone said they saw him at the Court house watching a hearing the other day.  His wife, once said to me, "If you can't afford to have a sit-down wedding reception for 500 people, you shouldn't get married."  She was sort of snooty, don't you know.  She works at the Hallmark card shop now because Sam had that stroke.  Don't suppose she could afford a sit-down dinner for 500 these days do you?   

The moral to the story is don't work so hard you can't have some fun from time to time.  When the notion strikes you to do something that is totally unlike yourself and unexpected, do it anyway, it's good for you.  Dream your dreams, and make some of them come true.   Be a Sam who plays from time to time.  Life is short, and fun is fun.   Keep on smiling and dreaming.   And remember, when you're dealing with the Wish Lady you get unlimited wishes come true forever.  Love and kisses from Jana.

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