Sunday, October 16, 2011


Rick Perry wasn't first on my list. I only had one person on my list and that was Sarah Palin. She is going to be President some day. But both I, and a bunch of others who love her, were on the fence about her running for President. We didn't want her to be saddled with a multiplication of all of the hateful attacks she's had to deal with just being a former candidate for Vice President. It was a bitter sweet relief when she finally said she wasn't running. But then there was a fearful emptiness where there had been relief for someone who could restore America to her former glory, preserve our freedoms, restore respect to the oval office, and ensure the salvation of our nation and our Constitutional Republic.

Rick Perry seemed to be that person, and I was a little upset about the statement he made about giving instate tuition to illegal alien children. It is my belief that giving such perks to illegals will just encourage more illegals to cross the border to get superior schooling for their children.

I was also unclear at first about why he didn't want a fence on the border. Then I listened to the boots on the ground explanation and that did make more sense, although I think there should be a fence AND boots on the ground, lots of boots.

You must admit Governor Perry didn't do that well at the subsequent debates. I feel he was being a little too cautious and that he lost his fire because of the way his in-state tuition statement backfired. He should have jumped back into the saddle and tamed the beast. Instead he became too cautious. It made him look weak.

I listened then to Cain. It occurred to me he had one-liners that sounded good, and that rang a bell of caution in my head. Obama had one-liners and what he said sounded good, but it also did not have the ring of truth to it. I believe Cain is telling the truth, but all I'm hearing are one-liners, nothing of substance, no detailed explanation of answers to all of the issues. Cain seems a nice, honest, sincere man. But does he know how to save America and restore her?

As an aside, I got goose bumps early on listening to Obama in 08, they were goose bumps of fear. I recognized the smooth hypnotic speaking of a liar. The sonorous tones of a Hitler, hypnotizing people into believing him, but his eyes were cold and the way he stuck his nose up in the air put separation between him and the truth. I guess I've had too many relationships with pathological liars! I did not believe him for one minute. Obama's race had nothing to do with my feelings toward him. Americans are all races, and many of us are such a Heinz 57 conglomeration of races that we have no reason to use a person's race in determining his character. Then there's the added reason that I was right about my feelings about Obama.

Back to Herman Cain. I respect him for his success, for pulling himself up by his bootstraps and at first blush the 999 tax plan seemed interesting. It would be if that were the only tax, but in Indiana that would turn out to be a 16% sales tax! He never did explain anything but the 999, and then I kept hearing other things that pretty soon made the 999 look more like a 666. The plan became nearly as complicated as our present tax code! It was the only issue that Herman Cain had presented so far. He hasn't presented a plan for the many other issues that confront us. He has no record of serving the public. He has been a very successful executive in a business. But I began to think of other successful businessmen who were successful in business, but they wouldn't necessarily make a good public servant.

What about Romney, there's Romney. He's "the frontrunner"! He gives me the creeps. He appears to be an elite, above-it-all, "I'm better than you, and I know what's good for you" politician. We don't need another politician, especially one who declares that he will "replace Obamacare". We don't want Obamacare replaced! We want it repealed and forgotten!! We don't need government doing things for us. We want power returned to the states. We don't want money funneled to DC, and then doled out piece by piece back to the states. We want each state to acquire its operating capital from good business in the state, from modest taxes in the state. We want operations to occur in the state where waste and corruption can be better controlled. We want less rules and regulations! I hate rules! My favorite saying is "Don't Ask For Rules someone will make one up for you!" (It's also the title of one of my fiction novels by the way.)

Which all brought me back to Governor Perry. He did explain the in-state tuition thing, and it made some sense, though it still rankles somewhat, though I understand fairly that states that neighbor Texas on all sides also get the same reduced in-state tuition rate. He did explain that rather than a fence that could be readily scaled he wanted to have boots on the ground to stop the illegal aliens from entering the country. He also has an outstanding record of creating jobs, and he has plans for decreasing the size of government and comes closest to fulfilling the wants and needs of those of us who consider ourselves Independents & TeaPartiers. Now if he addresses the Crony Capitalism issue and resolves to make that go away as well, I'm sold.

Governor Perry should speak directly to the people. I'm sick of debates controlled by people with an Agenda. I want to see him speaking to the people Tea Party style.

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