Saturday, October 11, 2008

Waking Up Happy and Joyful

I have a book....The Amazing Power of Esther and Jerry Hicks you need to study that book when you are not doing anything else. I think it holds the key for your learning to move your thoughts in the right direction. Thoughts are things. I have another called Money and the Law of Attraction, by the same people and I wanted to give you this part:

"Most people believe, or want to believe, that everything in the universe responds to their words in the same way that other people around them can sometimes be trained to behave. When you tell someone, "Yes, come to me." you expect them to come. When you say "No, go away from me." you expect them to go. But you live in an attraction-based Universe (an inclusion-based Universe), which simply means there is no such thing as NO.

When you give your attention to something wanted and you say, "Yes, come to me." you include it in your vibration, and the Law of Attraction begins the process of bringing it. But when you look at something unwanted and you say "No. I do not want you--go away!" the Universe brings that, also. Your attention to it, and therefore your vibrational alignment with it, is what is causing the response--not your words.

And so, as you say, "Perfect health, I seek you...I want you--I bask in the idea of perfect health," you are attracting health. But as you say "Sickness, I do not want you" you are attracting sickness. As you say. No, no, no." It is coming closer, closer, closer, because the more you struggle against something you do not want, the more engulfed in it you become.

People often believe once they find their perfect mate, or achieve their perfect body weight, or accumulate enough money, then, once and for all, they will also find the happiness they seek...but nowhere is there a little corner of something where only positive aspects exist. The perfect balance of the Universe says that positive and negative (wanted and unwanted exists in all parts of the Universe. When you, as the creator, the chooser, the definer, the decider, look for the positive aspect, that becomes what you live--in all aspects of your life. You do not have to wait around for that perfect thing to show itself to you so you can then have a positive response to it. Instead, you positively train your thoughts and vibrations, and then you become the attractor of it, or the creator of it.

...encourage you to begin each day with the statement. Today---no matter where I go, no matter what I am doing, and no matter who I am doing it with--it is my dominant intent to look for what I am wanting to see.

Remember, when you awaken in the morning, you are reborn. While you have slumbered, all attraction has stopped. That sequestering away for a few hours of sleep--where your Consciousness is no longer attracting--gives you a refreshing new beginning. And so, unless you wake up in the morning and begin regurgitating what troubled you the day before, it will not trouble you in your new day, in your new birth, in your new beginning."

When my son was little, I used to wake him up in the morning singing, "When the Red Red Robin comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along, Along. There'll be no more sobbing as he starts throbbing his old sweet song...Wake Up, Wake Up, you Sleepy Head, Get Up, Get Up, Get Out of Bed, The Red Red Robin is Bob, Bob Bobbin Along."

That's how I feel when I wake up. I feel joyful for a new day of wonder and adventure and excitement.

See if you can't begin your day that way. You may get some ugly looks if you begin your day singing, but just smile and go on.

Jana L. Shellman Author of The Wish Factory: How to Make Wishes Come True.Instructor of Creating Characters at Visit my web site at

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