Every time I post something about the Obama's and their goals being to turn America into a Communist country, the first thing the unbelievers say is "They wouldn't let that happen!" Who the heck are "they"? Well "they" used to be the mainstream media who would vet our political candidates for office, and "they" used to be the people we sent to Washington, D. C. And "they" used to be the people we could count on "not to let 'that' happen". But something entered the equation to change all of that. Political Correctness.
All of a sudden Political Correctness prevented the mainstream media from telling Americans what was going on. At the same time the mainstream media was being populated with more and more Progressive Liberals. Now percentage-wise there are more Conservatives in America than there are Progressive Liberals. However, Progressive Liberals are controlling the Mainstream Television Media. Suddenly it becomes Politically Incorrect to question a Presidential Candidate who happens to be black! They will not question where he came from. They don't demand that he disclose his records even though George Bush had to disclose EVERYTHING, including his military records from many years prior to his running for office.
But it is Politically Incorrect to even Ask for information about a black person who was relatively unknown prior to the year 1999! Why? Because if you question his credentials you will be accused of being Racist! It's not Politically Correct to ask.
So What's happened in the meantime? We have a Communist in the White House. Why isn't anyone telling us this? Because it is "politically incorrect" to do so! Significant Damage has already been done to the fabric of American freedoms. Some of Our elected Congressional Representatives have been intimidated into quitting. Actions have been taken to remove those people from office who would step in to rescue America. Viable Candidates who could rescue America are being attacked unmercifully by the corrupted mainstream media.
I'm inserting here an article written by Mychal Massie A Black Conservative who's not afraid to be politically incorrect.
"Obama is preening and thumping his chest. His sycophants are applauding him and literally chanting his name. His wife is doing the late night television circuit, wallowing on the floor for Ellen Degeneres, pulling ropes, and so on – you know – behaving more like a puerile high school gymnast than like the First Lady of the United States is expected to. She has been seen doing everything but wrestling animals in the White House Rose Garden, and who knows, that may be next. But, that is all window dressing, designed to keep people from thinking about her husband as a murderer. That’s right, he’s a murderer and he is as much responsible for the murder of innocent children, specifically black children, as the KKK.
"Michelle Obama is not only complicit in her husband’s efforts to “fundamentally change America,” but she is complicit in his commitment to slaughter unborn children – and at that to specifically target and slaughter the black unborn.
"When I see Obama and his wife I see not only communists, intent on dismantling our country, but I see murderers. How ironic that Michelle Obama, who is shown swilling food and drink, and who treats being First Lady like her personal American Express Black Credit Card (arguably the most prestigious of credit cards) – is supposedly pushing anti-obesity for children, as her husband fights to maintain rigid laws that oppose saving children aborted alive and that allow partial birth abortions.
"I digress, to say that I personally believe there is an Erebusic sensus plenior to her childhood anti-obesity act. I believe and nothing dissuades me of same, that her act is precursor to allowing government to take our children because it doesn’t approve of how we are raising them. There are recent instances of so-called child welfare agencies have taken children from loving, caring homes because they didn’t approve of the weight of the child. The Obama’s are communists and controlling us by controlling our children is what their kind does.
"When you see Michelle Obama on television shows talking about fruit and vegetables, remember that the green room where she waits before coming out, is filled with cakes, rolls, pastries, spreads, cheeses, creams, and finger foods – that she is swilling before she comes out with a carrot in her hand.
"Never in the history of America could anyone, save those like the Obamas, have imagined a president and his wife would go to such extremes to “fundamentally transform America” into a communist state. And let there be no doubt, that is exactly what they purpose to do.
"Following I have included syndicated column I wrote in 2004, detailing Obama’s bloodlust for abortion. The next time you see Obama making jokes and applauding himself for keeping his promise to “fundamentally transform America” remember that he is a murderer, just as if he had ripped the children from their mother’s womb himself.
"And the next time you see Michelle rolling around on the floor and filling her mouth with the foods she has the audacity to tell us not to eat – view her as a murderer just like her husband. Being complicit and supportive of murder, makes you as guilty of murder as if you had committed the murder yourself. Remember that nearly 50,000,000 children are dead because of abortion and nearly 30 percent of the black population in America have been murdered.
"I say if the murder of children and specifically black children were a contest between the KKK and the Obama’s – the KKK would suffer an embarrassing and humiliating defeat.
He is eloquent, well spoken, with a membrane-thin veiled socialist agenda cloaked in flowery speech. But unlike Rep. Harold Ford, D-Tenn. – who had to be reminded by Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., that while congressional blacks were no longer relegated to ticket taker in a cloakroom, they had better not forget their place – Barack Obama, D-Ill., is just the kind of black man elite liberals can use.
"But also unlike Ford, Barack Obama is much more appealing to blacks nationwide and thus much more formidable when you combine that with his ability to raise large contributions, his Muslim roots and education, his ability to rivet national audiences with his snake-charmer oratory skills and an appealing mien that connects well with liberal voters. Accordingly, Lord Obama could very easily morph into “Darth Democrat.”
"It should be no surprise that he is from Illinois. Illinois has a long history (from Capone to Daley) of empowering the unsavory. This unsavory comes with a smooth veneer that reverberates a thirst for power.
"He has presidential ambitions stitched into the very fabric of his being, and as a student of history he understands the danger of remaining a senator if he is to be successful with his ambitions.
"Granted there are worse things than a black uber-liberal socialist Muslim, supposedly now Christian Democrat in the White House (unless your name happens to be Clinton). The question is: Who would want them visited upon this generation?
"America is more ready than ever before to elect a black president, but this is not the one we want to break that unprecedented historical ground.
"In a speech at his party’s national convention, he spoke of “work” that could be successfully completed through socialistic intervention and programming. He also bares the stripes of most uber liberals, i.e., the willingness to make it up as he goes along.
"Speaking in a U.S. Senate debate (Oct. 26, 2004), Obama emphatically claimed responsibility for Illinois’ successful welfare reform. The truth – as written by Steve Stanek a year earlier – finds no relationship with his on the record accounts. With minimal investigation one finds he not only played no role in the Illinois reforms, but he was not even in office at the time. (Illinois leads the nation in welfare reform; Illinois Leader, Sept. 10 2003).
"He is gifted at twisting his verbiage in such a way as to deform the truth. In his speech at the Democratic National Convention, he spoke of “… measuring up to the legacy of our forbearers.” While that may sound good, there is a discernable difference between “forbearers” and the Founding Fathers of our country.
"Obama’s forbearers are Kenyan, and it is alleged his grandfather was a slave owner. His reference to “forbearers” had nothing to do with those who sacrificed their lives life to establish a free society based on equality.
"His statements were code omitting same, referencing instead an Afro-centrism and Pan Africanism. It was a deliberate attack against the foundation of our country and what we represent.
Another trademark of uber-liberal socialists like Lord Obama is complete disregard for human life – especially the lives of the elderly, physically challenged and the unborn. Or in Obama’s case, even the “Live-born abortion victims.” He claimed his reason for not supporting SB1093, the “Born Alive Infant Protection Act,” was the measure didn’t include the “life and health of the mother” provision.
"A question that begs an answer is where, exactly, does the threat to the mother lie in said infant protection? Interestingly enough, Obama refused to support two bans which did include exceptions for safety of the mother. So his refusal to support anti-partial-birth abortion bills HB382 and SB230 comes as no surprise.
"He also refused to support SB1095, which creates a cause of action for harm or neglect that comes to a child “born-alive” after a labor-induced abortion. Add to that his “no” vote on SB1661, also part of the “Abortion Alive Protection Act,” which created the “Induced Birth Infant Liability Act.”
"His positions on crime, sex education for grades K-5, homosexual marriage and taxes are out of the mainstream of the so-called liberal mainstream.
"Obama embraces the darkest interests of the uber-liberal socialist. It can be argued there are worse things than a Clinton ticket in 2008 – and any ticket with Barack Obama on it is one of them. (2004)"
It's Obvious no one in the Mainstream Media listened to this Conservative Black Man in 2004, and they don't want to listen now. They along with others who like to take on the mantle of "intellectual" by following them, refuse to believe the Progressive Liberals are actually Communists!
It's time to wake up and smell the coffee people...in case you haven't noticed, at the way the price of coffee and everything else has DOUBLED in the past three years, we may not be able to smell it much longer. OUR FREEDOMS ARE AT RISK!!
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