Monday, April 23, 2012


Synchronicity is an interesting subject. I look at synchronicity as events that occur, as if by chance, but not by that occur because of who we are, what we are thinking, how the "atoms" of our existence rub against the "atoms" of everyone and everything else. My concept of religion and the universe is somewhat strange. For a year or so I worked in the Organic Chemistry Department at the University of Illinois. Part of my job was drawing the shapes and stuff that went with the organic chemical formulae. I never knew what they all meant, and anything I learned I learned sort of by osmosis. I learned a lot about DNA and RNA back in 1961 and 1962. That's what they were working on back then, and I typed the papers that were bound into journals and mailed out across the country to other scientists who were interested in the subject. That was a sort of synchronicity in itself. The process of looking at those chemical formulae and symbols made me look at the symbol for the atom more closely. One of the first things I really noticed about the "structure" of an atom, was that it was also the model of the "structure" of the universe. I learned there was energy in the center of an atom. That lead me to believe there was also energy in the center of the universe...or rather in the center of all the universe(s) that exist. That all of the planets in a solar system were whirling around the universe like atoms whirling around the nucleus of a cell, and that there might be other solar systems whirling around within the universe, and I reasoned that at the very center of all of these whirling solar systems there was an Energy holding it all together. And, just as in an atom, each of the neutrons whirling around are "connected" to the center and to one another, that the same is true of the solar systems. When I saw the very first Star Wars movie, I fully understood the concept of The Force. I wondered how many others understood that the concept was very basically that the Energy was the Universal Force. It was God. That every thing in the Universe is connected to every other thing in the Universe with tendrils of this Energy, all going back to the Universal Energy. God is the Source of All that there is. Call God Energy or Force if it makes you more comfortable. But the Force is at the Center of the Universe. You can use the Force for evil if you want, but evil never wins in the end, and the User of the Energy reaps the seeds of their use of the Force. If one uses it to gain power over others, it will reflect back on you and ultimately make you Powerless. If you use it for Love and Good toward others, it will reflect back Love and Good toward you. May the Force be with you. Use it in the Right way.

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