I think some people in Washington still don't even know what "tea party" means. It means we're sick of being taxed to death on everything as a result of Washington over-spending. Even though I live in a State that's doing fairly well with regard to deficits and has been surviving on surplus and good business practices, eventually all of this is going to bleed over into the State coffers with Washington deciding what we should be doing and then sending orders to the States to pay for the things. It is supposed to be the other way around!!
Tea Party means we are having a civilized revolution to get rid of the people in Washington who just keep on doing all of the same old things over and over again. It's time to get rid of every one of them! It's time for Obama to take his toys and go home because we don't like him doing what he's doing, and we are never going to agree on what he's saying no matter how many times he says it!!
I look at the man and wonder "what the heck are those ears for?" they certainly aren't for hearing what the citizens of this country are saying. He is our elected PUBLIC SERVANT. He believes he's been appointed our MASTER! It's time someone sat him down and read him the truth. The only people he should be bowing to is us, the people of this country.
Furthermore, it's time everyone stopped using the words Democracy as they apply to the United States of America. That's where everyone has gone wrong. We are not a democracy, but we are a Republic. Remember the Pledge of Allegience to the flag? It's "we pledge allegience to the flag..... and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands."
As well, when and why did someone decide that Religion should be eliminated from our country? The founders of this country certainly never had that in mind. In fact, they believed the country should teach Religion in the schools! The only thing they didn't want was for the country to be a "Catholic country" or a "Quaker country" or a "Baptist country", i.e., there was to be NO NATIONAL RELIGION. All religions, and all denominations so long as they believed in the concept of ONE GOD were to be taught in the schools and in our churches. It was never to be eliminated!
If you want a really good understanding of the Constitution and the things our forefathers fought and bled over, then read ...for a start...The Five Thousand Year Leap. It tells what made America last so long.
And keep the faith, because prayer and adherence to the natural laws of God will restore America to what the forefathers wanted it to be. Just keep praying positive, "Thank you God for restoring our Constitutional Freedoms"...pray positive always. Remember if there's something you don't want, saying "no, no I don't want that" merely brings it to you. Say "thank you God, I'd rather have...(and then say the positive thing you want to replace the thing you do not want.)"
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