Some liberal judge has decided the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional! Obviously the judge in question hasn't read the constitution and has no idea of the intent of the authors of the constitution. I read case law for fun sometimes, and I like the appeals court judges who view every situation differently and understand that just because previous case law decided something one way doesn't necessarily mean that it was decided correctly and that it can't be understood in a different way. However, when judges can arbitrarily make case law biased against their political viewpoints, it is outright and completely wrong.
It's time for Americans to stand up and shout when wrongs persist. We were guranteed life, freedom & the ability to acquire property. We were not guaranteed property that we didn't earn. It is unconstitutional to redistribute wealth.
What part of the oath of office haven't these "leaders" listened to? They swore to uphold the Constitution. It appears to me that their intent to usurp the Constitution of the United States by redistributing the wealth is in itself, if not treasonous, it is impeachable.
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