Friday, September 28, 2012

Mitt Romney
A Contract with America

Preamble: America can no long thrive, let alone survive, beneath the broken promises and recycled rhetoric of failed leadership, political demagoguery, and radical policies that threaten the tried and true ideals of our Constitution. Therefore, to ensure the institutions of integrity, accountability, and common sense are returned to the forefront of our beloved republic, the doorsteps of every American citizen, I pledge to fulfill the following objectives, or I, Willard Milton Romney, will not seek re-election in 2016.
With 33% of the population out of the workforce – the highest since World War II - and a record 43 straight months of unemployment above 8%, the American dream is in endanger of suffocating beneath the dregs of Big Government. Since 2008, food stamp recipients have doubled from 23 million to an astounding 47 million, and a record 7 million Americans have now lost their homes. Instead of an economy that produces skilled jobs that affords citizens quality housing, transportation, education for their children, and health care, struggling families are left with the crumbs of socialism and are routinely blackmailed with welfare as if it’s the pinnacle of their existence. Everyone needs assistance time to time, and there is no shame in that reality, but we owe it to ourselves and our families to do everything in our power to succeed. If the truth be known, the American work ethic, fueled by unprecedented competition and innovation, is this nation’s single, greatest catalyst for prosperity and an unsurpassed quality way of live. We must revive and honor that premise if America is to once again serve as a beacon of hope and opportunity, rather than a doormat for dependency and decay.

Simply put, it is a dereliction of duty not to balance the budget. Raising the national debt a record 5.5 trillion in a mere 3.5 years, more than the first 40 presidents combined, Barack Obama has recklessly driven America off a fiscal cliff that now consumes 100% of our GDP. If taxpayers handled their finances in the same manner as the federal government, their families would be bankrupt and homeless within a month. The FED’s systemic, irresponsible printing of money – which increases debt and spurs inflation – to artificially inflate markets solely for the sake of one’s personal agenda is nothing more than unforgivable and a ripe recipe for disaster. Most of all, it is insulting to citizens who are paying elected officials to squander away our money, let alone to destroy the value of the dollar, and along with it, income levels and property values. Balancing the budget is a prerequisite for any respectable government.
The trillion dollar leviathan known as Obamacare is an assault on our freedoms, the Constitution, and the quality of our nation’s medical care. Barack Obama claimed his health care law was by no means a tax, merely a patriotic requirement, but then proceeded to have his legal team invoke the commerce clause in order to claim taxing authority before the Supreme Court. In the wake of our President’s deception, health premiums have risen by $3500 and the largest tax increase in American history will take effect in less than three months. My administration will tackle meaningful and responsible reform in the areas of pre-existing conditions, the affordability of prescriptions, the cost of emergency/surgical care, and everyday health necessities. Furthermore, we will work to preserve and strengthen Medicare, not conspire to siphon its resources to fund a selfish agenda. Americans deserve the highest quality healthcare, autonomy over their medical affairs, without undue government interference and waste.

From maximizing our own resources to partnering with neighboring countries, America will fully utilize and develop its own natural resources instead of allowing our economy, businesses, and citizens to be held hostage by a handful of indifferent Middle Eastern countries. I will open our shores for energy development, immediately approve the Keystone pipeline to prioritize regional investment, restore transparency and fairness to reforms designed to protect the environment without destroying jobs or paralyzing industry, and I will encourage private-sector development of new energy technologies that will begin to pave the road towards American energy independence and a renewed prosperity. Barack Obama’s shameless policy of funding and promoting off-shore drilling by South American countries such as Venezuela, those unscrupulous leaders who detest America’s prominence, is an attack on American sovereignty and our economic freedoms.

Our faith in God is intrinsic to the American story – the genesis of our natural born rights – and the foundation of the Constitution of the United States. Although I fully support and pledge to protect religious freedom – whether one subscribes to atheism, Christianity, Mormonism, Judaism, Islam, or agnosticism – I reject the progressive “mutually exclusive” interpretation of Separation of Church and State; which, for the record, was never intended to exclude God from our public institutions, merely to ensure religious freedom. Likewise, the First Amendment was never intended to protect our laws from sound religious values; it was intended to protect our religious values from Government tyranny. The fact the Democratic Party recently and overwhelmingly banned God at their national convention – only to be forced back into their platform after mass public outrage – speaks to how far left Democrats have fallen in a mere four years. Ronald Reagan said it best when he profoundly exclaimed, “We are never defeated unless we give up on God.” Sadly, that day is fast approaching if we do not renew our faith.

Abortion, in its most glorified state, is nothing more than the death of a human being. Yet, Democrats have convinced countless women it is a natural born right, some sort of magical rite of passage, and the crux of an imaginary war on women. The fact liberals equate opposition to abortion, one’s willing choice to take a life, to the abomination of slavery – losing your human rights, if not your life involuntarily - is reprehensible and a complete lack of perspective. Since Roe v. Wade in 1973, well over 50 million babies have been aborted in America, some nine times more than the Holocaust. Sadly, that total is meaningless to those same individuals who instead chose to hold weekly protests over 4,000 casualties incurred during the Iraqi War; a number that is surpassed by a single of abortions across this nation. In short, how can anyone support women’s rights, if they do not support their right to be born? I will oppose abortion - except in the cases of rape or incest - whenever given the opportunity.

The institution of marriage is one that has predominantly been defined by religious doctrine, our Judeo-Christian values, for millennium. Within this historical context, I believe marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman, a love consecrated before God to live according to his commandments and raise children in his image. Therefore, I vow to protect the institution of marriage itself; regardless of pop culture relativism or those who dishonor its relevance with modern day promiscuity and abuse. For those who maliciously twist my views solely for political gain, I unequivocally support the rights of gay Americans. No man or woman, regardless of their sexuality or gender, should be discriminated against in any facet of society; from equal opportunity, to work related benefits, or the failure to recognize civil unions. Their constitutional rights are non-negotiable. Likewise, hate crimes against homosexuals, or any group for that matter, will not be tolerated.

Our right to bear arms is a key cornerstone of the Constitution, which is nothing more than a limitation on Government, not individual rights. Activists live to shamelessly politicize tragedies – school shootings, work related violence, etc - hoping our Second Amendment rights will be stripped away by whipping public anger into an inescapable vacuum of mass hysteria. These same Constitutional terrorists, who can’t keep drugs off the streets, let alone out of our schools, would leave us at the mercy of thugs and lowlife opportunists, not to mention vulnerable to government tyranny; Thomas Jefferson’s most profound reason for preserving our right to bear arms. Until the day comes gun opponents can guarantee every single criminal is stripped of every possible conceivable weapon, that our government will never abuse its power and usurp our freedoms, that no one uses a rifle to provide food for their family, and that they have the votes necessary to amend the Constitution of the United States...don't even bother! And even if, by some miracle, those improbable events do converge, I still respectfully digress. Although I recognize the need to and pledge to regulate the most destructive firearms, our God given rights, your right to self-preservation, supercedes any attempt by subversive politicians to remove the final lynch pin of subjugation.

Secure Our Borders/Honor Legal Immigration
Failure to secure our borders in a post 9/11 world is nothing short of criminal and a slap in the face to every victim and family member imbued on that tragic day. Throw in the fact Barack Obama ordered the Department of Justice and Homeland Security to cease prosecuting any identified or arrested illegal immigrants, and you essentially have a President with no regard for the rule of law or the safety of the American people; merely an insatiable desire to win re-election. For decades Democrats have perpetuated the fallacy Republicans detest immigration because they’re racist; all despite the fact impoverished Mexico has much stricter laws than the United States.

On the contrary, our greatest minds and success stories were all immigrants at one time. No, we are not against immigration, not by any means, merely acutely aware of the inherent dangers of illegal immigration. As one of many patriots who love this country and the Constitution, I recognize we all must honor the promise of America by welcoming freedom-loving people who wish nothing more than to seek a better life. However, when millions of undocumented immigrants pour into our nation unchecked, it creates an unbearable strain on housing, our educational system, hospitals, and law enforcement. In short, it is literally bankrupting America and is unfair to all legal citizens – natural born or naturalized – who must bear the burden. If anything, we must find ways to make immigration a more accessible and streamlined process for those willing to respect this great nation, her laws, and the opportunities afforded within.

Promoting global peace, freedom and strengthening international ties will always be a priority of my presidency, but never at the expense of American interests, safety, and lives. Pretending evil and injustice does not exist will not save us from its wrath. It is the equivalent of watching a rape across the street and doing nothing to stop it. That being said, we will not financially aid or recognize those regimes – including the Muslim Brotherhood – who stand in stark contrast to nearly every ideal America was predicated upon. The fact Barack Obama has voiced renewed support for those radicals who deny women basic human rights, stone gays to death, and even murder children under the barbaric veil of fanaticism, is unacceptable and duplicitous at best; especially considering how Democrats viscously attacked Chick-Fil-A for merely voicing their opposition to gay marriage, or how liberals routinely claim abortion – but the actual lives of Islamic women – is protected by law. Sharia Law, must not, and will not, be recognized in any branches of our government, nor will any United Nations resolution be allowed to impose such unapologetic tyranny on American citizens.

Regardless of the disputed threats facing America, our military will be well maintained, well armed, and our veterans honored for the heroes they are; no longer deemed the greatest terrorist threat against this republic because they are sworn “liberty lovers” and thus an ideological threat to Barack Obama’s anti-American agenda. For without their dedication and sacrifice, freedom is but an anecdote of conquered nations. Our Missile Defense Shield will not be pawned to Russian tacticians, China’s military ascension and human rights violations will not go unchecked, Jerusalem will be recognized as Israel’s rightful capital, and our consulates and embassies will never again be left to the whims of ignorance and apathy. America first, because if we don’t, who will?

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