Most people don't even know who Andrew Breitbart was, and they don't understand why his passing was of any consequence. They don't understand the way he took the knowledge of a large group of Conservative Bloggers and made it into a cause with his web sites, with his marketing of those web sites, with his zealous and fearless method of speaking out and making our concerns heard.
Many, including myself recognized the reason no one vetted Obama was because the mainstream media failed to do it! They were too busy saying nasty things about Sarah Palin (which they continued to do even after the election was over). We always counted on the investigative reporters to very actively let us know everything there was to know about a candidate. They always did. Remember how they demanded that George W. Bush release everything, and how they tried to find proof that he wasn't REALLY a pilot with the Air National Guard?
We should have noticed then how far Left and I don't mean Democrat but I mean Far Left, i.e., Progressive Liberal Socialist Communist the Mainstream Media was leaning. Those of us who went to college as Conservatives (and there's a difference between Conservatives and GOP Republicans too but we won't get into it right's not nearly as big a gap as the one between old time Democrats and the Prog/Libs of today.) ...those of us who went to college as far back as the early
60's had our share of Socialist/Communist leaning instructors, teachers, professors. We noticed them because if we didn't share their Idealistic views of how things should be in our reports, or sit quietly by not debating their comments, not remembering their far out teaching for our exams, we wouldn't get a good grade. Thirty-five years later when my son was in college he was running into more and more of these creatures. I made sure to teach him patriotism from the very start and I advised him to educate himself and come to his own conclusions about the Constitution and Freedom and what America was all about.
I've been saying for nearly four years, we are responsible for ourselves. We must educate our selves, and then we must educate others. The New Media is comprised of those who recognize what Andrew Breitbart recognized. We are the New Media. We are those who use Twitter and Facebook and emails to educate those who are still in the dark because they are still using the mainstream media, believing "they" wouldn't let that happen, i.e., "they" wouldn't let a Communist make it into the Oval Office. Well "they" did. "They" were either too afraid to be called a racist for questioning the credentials or "they" knew very well what was going on and were complicite with it. There are still many among us who think America will go along operating just as it always has with no changes. But at the same time they lament that there are no jobs, manufacturing has left the country, oil prices are sky-rocketing because "we are out of oil" (baloney! We have more oil available on this continent than any other place! We just aren't being allowed to drill for it!)
Wake up people. You can no longer rely upon the mainstream media to educate you, we can't depend upon them to give us the truth to give us the information the old mainstream media always supplied. That's what Andrew Breitbart was all about, educating the public, doing the job the mainstream media was supposed to be doing.
Want to understand more about the discussion of Critical Race Theory? This is why Obama was following Derrick Bell, supporting him & speaking at the same functions in favor of Bell's Critical Race Theory. It's purpose is being obfuscated by the mainstream media. Educate yourself, and understand what's going on. Then make your own decisions. Don't let your facts be "someone told me it was THIS way". We are each ultimately responsible for where we find ourselves. We can blame no one but ourselves for being complacent about the preservation of our Constitution. We can't just rest on the idea "they" won't let anything bad happen to us. Take responsibility for your life & the consequences of your action or inaction.
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