Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Good The Bad & The Ugly- Learn From Them

Every person with whom you interact is important in forming your soul growth and your character & experience in this life.

We look at the bad relationships we've had and don't appreciate the growth we've accomplished in that relationship. Sometimes we form bonds with others in our survival of certain relationships.

For instance, a lot of people are very disgusted with us having Obama for a President, but if you look at the good that's come out of it rather than just the bad, a lot of good has been accomplished. The nation was complacent. The citizenry relied totally on the mainstream media, to their detriment, believing everything we heard on the News and read in the paper. What they omitted to report was as important as what they misinformed us about and what they failed to do themselves. The mainstream media, in the past, always vetted people running for President. They didn't vet Obama. Plus the man lied about what he was going to do, what his purpose was, what his beliefs were. Now he's trying to appear to be inept, when its obvious to those paying close attention that he's right on target to accomplish what he let slip to "Joe the Plumber". His goal is to "fundamentally transform America" into a Socialist/Communist country where he can be the dictator.

What good did this do? It brought together a lot of Patriots who are working together without the mainstream media, asking, growing, learning, educating themselves. In the process we are learning personal responsibility for our own actions, and learning that we have God-given Freedoms that can never be taken from us.

In our personal lives we need to look at our "bumping against" all others as an opportunity for learning, growing, and becoming in our own soul growth and our own trip through this life experience. Whether good or bad, each experience is an opportunity for learning and growth. We need to examine each such experience and extricate the good that came to us from it and give thanks for the experience that contributed to our growth.

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