Saturday, July 2, 2011


I'm putting the finishing touches on a new non-fiction book entitled UNCONSCIONABLE CONTRACT: What Credit Card Companies Don't Want You to Know, about how I found myself in trouble with my credit some 14 years ago or so, and couldn't meet my credit card obligations because of health problems. They sued me, and I sued them back. They said, "let's call us even." My premise was that credit card applications are not contracts. They have none of the elements of a contract, and a reasonable person would not agree to the terms if they knew how one-sided they were. One never actually contracts with the credit card companies and they were suing on breach of contract-type complaints. Also included in the book, are ways to protect your credit, how to file bankruptcy, and how to change your prosperity mindset. It should be up on Kindle on July 5, and out in paperback within 6 weeks of this date: 070211. Thanks.

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