Monday, March 21, 2011


I have a lot of trouble with a relative who denigrates Conservatives in General with not just harsh, but hateful words. I don’t understand where he’s coming from because when he is doing that he is being disrespectful to my parents, my grandparents, and to me; and it is in direct opposition to how he was raised. My parents were Conservative, and all but one of my grandparents were Conservative, even the one hold out, the Grandfather who voted as a Democrat, was not the Progressive Liberal Democrat we see these days. He would be appalled at the America hating unpatriotic people calling themselves Democrats today.
My only explanation is that this relative is stuck in a title. "I am a Democrat." Not because he understands or agrees with the issues, but because he feels some sort of a need to remain loyal to the title itself. And in remaining loyal to the title, he has adopted he has become blind to the consequences of his beliefs.

By remaining loyal, for instance to Labor Unions, who at one time represented the Under Dog, but who now comprise a very strong and powerful group that advocates violence and the breaking of laws, and a decidedly unpatriotic bent to maintain that power. Unions no longer represent the membership, but seem bent on preserving power and wealth for the leadership of the unions, to hell with what it might do to the country and inevitably their membership as well.

The Progressive Left is hell bent on destroying Capitalism upon which this country was built. They chant "down with capitalism" "down with corporate America", "down with big business", but yet they espouse the growth of the most destructive element to the prosperity of the citizenry, the growth of big government!

Why is the Progressive Left so hell bent on destroying our Freedom? I cannot comprehend how this is good for anyone. I know it doesn’t represent the true feelings of my aforesaid relative! He doesn’t want to lose his freedom to use his land the way he wishes for it to be used, yet if the Progressive Left were to get their way, he would be forced to "share" his land with everyone else!

After all, that’s what Obama’s "redistribution of wealth" is all about. It’s not just taking from the rich and giving to the poor, but it is throwing the material wealth of everyone, top to bottom, into a pot and then dividing it up between the population; provided, however, that there would be a lot of costs involved, such as paying for all of the people it would take to figure out all of this redistribution and then redistribute it, probably about 85% of the entire wealth, and then the remainder would be distributed to the population; i.e., everyone would be incredibly poor. All of the work anyone did would be for naught, because some of them worked and some of them didn’t. What an incredibly stupid idea.

For one thing, they tried that in all of the Communist countries. They abandoned it because it didn’t work. Now Russia is in chaos because they’ve got all the power-hungry ex-communists trying to figure out how to get back into the money. They noticed that the Russian mob has it figured out, and the mob is pretty much running the country now.

Now, after all that American Liberal Progressives (I’ll bet that they hate being called American!), are trying to rerun the old Communist Socialism programs here. Didn’t they get the message? It doesn’t work. The only way Socialistic Communistic programs will work is if you hold a gun to the head of everyone who won’t do what you want them to do.

Only problem is, it isn’t the Liberal Progressives who have the guns. First they have to get the guns out of the "cold dead hands" of the gun-owners of America! Not going to happen!!! First they’ll have to shoot all of the gun-owners, and I’d be willing to bet that the gun-owners are better shots!

If they do manage to get the guns away from the gun-owners (i.e., cold dead hands) everyone who works will be dead and gone, and then who is going to support the entitlement-top-heavy-government that is taking care of all of those Liberal Progressives? It’s not going to happen either.

Look at it this way. Obama and his attempts to turn America into a Communist country (use Socialist if you’re very politically correct, but I like to call it what it is), have energized the Right who had become complacent. We kept saying "they" wouldn’t let that happen. They did.

I think the problem with the old-timey Democrats (those who are still trying to be good Democrats by supporting the Progressive Liberals because they think that’s the new name for Democrat), will figure out, sooner or later, that "they" are letting that happen as well. It’s just taking them longer to figure it out. At some point freedom-loving Americans will stand up and shout, "give us back our country."

And that’s what the Tea Party is. It’s Conservatives, and Libertarians and Independents who believe in freedom, and see that the efforts of the Progressive Liberals to force "Hope and Change" on us, are not hopeful and not the change that we all want to see!!!

Those who advocate violence to force upon the majority a change in situations we used our vote to bring about are nothing but thugs. They are criminals. Those who abdicate their responsibilities and flee to another state to avoid making a decision are criminals. Those who flee to another country to avoid making decisions for which they were elected are coming very close to treason.

That’s how I see it. If you don’t agree with me, write your own blog, and know this. I make up my own mind. The one thing you will never have over me, is the ability to control my mind. I have the freedom to think my own thoughts. You’re welcome to yours. It’s none of my business what you think of me. It’s none of your business what I think of you.

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