Monday, June 14, 2010


It appears the Far Left and the Progressives cannot think of anything adult to argue the point of view of the Right, and so they make up things to say about the Conservatives. Tea Partys aren't anything more than a forum for Conservatives to vent in their silent majority sort of way about the things that disturb them. It is a quiet, gentile attack on concepts that don't agreed with them. It has nothing to do with racism (how do you account for the various conservative black people who are just as involved in the tea parties as the white, red, yellow & brown people?).

I was reading Bill O'Reilly's book this week (it got pushed to the bottom of the pile by all of the books Beck recommended we was worthwhile to read them first.) Sometimes I can't stand O'Reilly, and sometimes I agree with everything he says. That's the way it ought to be. People who use their brains and discover their own understanding of situations can then format their own arguments about the good and bad that exists in the world. I think I have some of the same ideas about fairness that O'Reilly has, and we share a desire to do something about a point. If people don't want to have help with something, no amount of "justice" is going to help them feel better. Fairness is making sure everyone has a fair chance, not that they have equality of material things.

Whenever I state my opinion on other blogs I invariably have attacks from the left. Most times the attacks make me laugh, because they don't argue the issues, the begin calling me names! How childish! If this is what we're up against I don't think we have anything to worry about.

We have to make sure we stick to the issues, and don't resort to the left's name-calling to make our points.

The Administration is infested with people wanting to destroy our country. We've got to get them out of there. Positive Prayer and Faith as well as eternal vigilance to preserve our freedoms will see us through. God always supports the good guys. There are white souls, and there are dark souls. It has nothing to do with skin color, it has to do with the color of one's soul, and we have to support the light souls to survive.

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