Saturday, May 15, 2010


Keeping God in your life, and keeping God in America, teaching your kids and speaking up to your friends about the importance of God and religion, any religious belief in One God, no matter the denomination, is the best way to preserve our country and our freedoms. No matter what the present administration tries to do to change things in America, we don't want that kind of change, and 85% of Americans believe in God and don't want that change. It's time to pray positive, pray constantly every day "Thank you God for preserving our Nation as the founders envisioned it, and thank you God for preserving the Constitution as it was written."

The good guys wearing the white hats always win, because good always wins over evil. This country will persevere, and we will get past this bump in the road. Perhaps this sort of damage, being done by the present administration is the very thing we needed to pull the rug out from under us in our complacency. It is time for us all to again take an interest in our country. We need to understand there is evil, there is deception, there is fraud, there are criminal acts being perpetrated against us by people we elected. It is time to admit we've made mistakes in placing our trust in the wrong people. It's time to take back America.

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