My little boy just turned 33! I remember some 35 years ago when I was driving a semi across country. It was suppertime and all of the families were sitting in their houses around their tables eating together. I could see them through their patio doors as I drove down the freeways behind their houses. I made a wish. I wish I could find someone to marry, have a child and retire from the road. Less than a year later the wish was beginning to come true. Probably because most of my wishes are made whimsically and then I forget about them. Lots of people make wishes and then hang onto them, change them around, remake them (not realizing every time they remake a wish they are really making a new wish and sabotaging the old one they already made), and basically not leave the wish alone long enough for it to come true.
I've been thinking a lot about the intensity one puts into wishes and wondering why some take so much longer, until I realize that I, in my great wisdom, wrote in The Wish Factory "sometimes everything in the world has to move over a fraction of an inch before your wish can come true". I've got one wish I made a very long time ago that still hasn't come true. Most of it has always been true, but the culmination of it may take a little longer to happen. At this point in my life, I am content knowing it will come true. Perhaps that's the entire secret to wishing. Perhaps its all in the "knowing" that a wish is going to come true that makes it so. Manifestation is difficult to predict, and if you ask your "spirit guides" they will say "soon", they will say "patience" "very soon"...but how relative is their idea of time and ours? Perhaps time in the spirit realm is not at all relative to our time here. Maybe that's why they don't understand our impatience. Here I am musing again. Check out the book Fountain of Youth by Peter Kelder. Amazon has it. I've been doing it for 20 plus years. It seems to be working pretty well. I'm still 68 going on 10.
love and kisses. Jana
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