1. The number one key to happiness is understanding your own mind and learning to have power over it.
2. You hold the key to happiness. It is in your brain, not in your hand.
3. Your mental attitude will determine your mental altitude. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be."
4. To be happy, you need a relaxed mind. Relax, let go of stress!
5. Live in the present, it is the only moment you have.
6. Focus on here and now always.
7. Don't fight things in your mind or physically.
8. Accept all that happens to you completely.
9. And then let it go.
10. Happiness is an inner state of well being. Focus on your inner state.
11. Happiness is liberty, don’t seek approval from others. It doesn't matter what others think!
12. Happiness is power. Use it wisely! Sometimes people get upset with us because we're happy!!
13. When you get angry realize that you are giving your power away. It's not easy, but let it go.
14. When you want react to anything, take a moment, do nothing and look within and understand you can respond to the situation using happiness as power to work for you.
15. Don't judge people. Don't take things personally because it separates you from your own wisdom path of being happy.
16. Your happiness affects your health. Being happy adds years to your life, and life to your years.
17. Fear is the opposite of happiness. Fear will enslave you. Happiness gives you freedom.
18. "Things" cannot make you happy. Other people cannot make you happy. You must become happy.
19. Happiness is a decision.
20. Make the decision to be happy and you can always choose happiness in every situation.
21. Happiness is a conscious choice. Only a conscious person can choose to be happy, i.e., drugs and alcohol dull your ability to choose. You can't choose anything if your senses are dulled.
22. Don't give energy to negativity. You are giving energy to unhappiness. If you have a problem, give energy to the answer of solving it. Being happy lets us respond in the best possible way available at the time and creating the best possible outcome.
23. Stay away from negativity and unhappiness. Make friends and associate with people you can learn from in your life.
24. A happy life is a meaningful life. Find meaning in your life. Find your meaning for yourself. No matter how long it takes; it is really worth the effort.
25. Enjoy nature. It's God's Happiness. You're a beautiful part of it; a sunset or waves breaking on shore, or a mountain top will bring you closer to God's happiness for you.
26. You deserve happiness. Take it.
27. Give yourself permission to be happy! If you can't give yourself permission, I give you permission to be happy. Zap! You're Happy! Now Smile!!!
28. Being Happy is an action art. Look in the mirror and make funny faces at yourself until you laugh. Smile at your reflection every time you see it!
29. Fake it till you make it! Act like you're happy and you will become happy.
30. Count your blessings. Having blessings counted multiplies them.
31. Accept yourself, God made you perfect just the way you are. God is happy with you, so accept yourself. This is the key to happiness.
32. Find three or more things you are grateful for every day. Write them down in a journal if you like. Count your blessings before you sleep every night.
33. Laugh a lot. Laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself so seriously.
34. Don't worry about the past, or fret about the future. Have faith things are just the way they should be... If you have a worry habit, ask God or your Spirit Guide to remove the worry from you.
35. You are God's perfect creation. You have a special purpose in life, and you can find it. (Ask God or your Spirit Guide for assistance in defining your special purpose.
36. Be generous. Be a giver. Give compliments, give smiles, give yourself. Be real!!
37. Learn from your dog.
38. Be childlike.
39. Be yourself.
40. Be kind.
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