It's all rather odd, but weather is something that teaches us to take life as it comes. Today and yesterday and for the past week or so, the weather has been "coming in pleasantly". I think it's all about to change, but it has been so warm this last half of November that my lilac bush has decided it's Spring!! It has leafed out on top. I am afraid it is going to have a dreadful surprise in the next couple of days when its sweet little leaves freeze!
Life comes at us sweetly and pleasantly, and if we're lucky it goes on day by day without too many difficulties, and we are able to live our lives in sweet gentility. But some days the world butts in and we are brushed by the hositilities of others.
One of the things I've recently begun to try to teach others (at least one person per day!!) is that whatever we give energy to grows and becomes larger. Therefore, if we give energy to negativity, then the negativity just gets bigger and bigger all the time.
At the same time, if we give all of our energy to positive things (and this includes our positive thoughts) then those positive things grow larger and become greater in our lives.
If we give energy to poverty, then we will have poverty. If we give energy to abundance, then we will have abundance. Positive thinkers say we should always say "I am growing richer and richer." You know what happens then? Our brains say "yeah. Right. Then why isn't my bank account bigger?" I've just recently read this great book about "Afformations", which advises rather than the Positive affirmations "I am rich", which your brain might argue with, ask a question your brain can try to answer. Therefore, you ask "Why am I so rich?" It begins to work immediately! For instance, I had been thinking, "I'm going to have to go buy tape so I can wrap Christmas presents." Immediately after asking "Why am I so rich?" I began finding things stored in closets and drawers including nearly a case of tape! I also found a closet full of Christmas presents I'd purchased and forgotten about when I ended up in the hospital.
At the same time, complaining about the actions of others only strengthens and multiplies the negativity of which you are complaining. Rather than complaining state the way you would like the actions of others to be, and frame it in a question, i.e., "Why are my relationships with others so pleasant and productive?" This is just my twist. Twist your positive question to fit your situation.
I usually have all my Christmas cards prepared and sent out before the First of December. For varioius reasons, I haven't gotten to it yet. Maybe I'll do the same as I did some years ago. I'll send out belated Christmas cards combined with Valentines! One thing you can always count of me to be consistent about....I'm inconsistent. My son complains that in my cooking, I never make anything the same way twice, and when something turns out "good", I might not remember what I did to make it so good. Then again, some things are just habits, and I do them all the same every time. Like Thanksgiving Dinner. I can cook it in my sleep, and though I don't use recipes, it pretty much turns out the same every year...almost. Yep. I'm consistently inconsistent.
One way or another I'll get around to the Christmas cards I guess.
Remember: Give Power and Energy to Positive Things. Giving Energy (worrying etc.) about negative things only makes them bigger. Think about Happy Things. Think about how you'll feel when your wishes come true. Put yourself in the time when your wishes are manifest. In other words, count your blessings. In doing so, they will magnify.
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