Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dreaming - Rose-colored Glasses

I wonder if everybody dreams. Does living in daydreams hinder you or put you ahead of the game? Does believing in wishes and dreams come true make you more creative? Is there value in dreaming? I believe there is. But when two people are having the same dream and making the same wishes the possibility of the dream and the wish becoming manifest are incredible.

Sometimes we ask for signs and the signs have been in our lives forever. We just haven't opened our eyes to see. Sometimes the signs are right behind us following us throughout our lives and we are so busy moving forward we forget to look right behind us, they are standing in our shadow.

Dreams, wishes, prayers are all communication to God, communication to the Universe, and the mere act of dreaming, of wishing of praying is turning the vision over to the Universe and we merely have to say "Thank you for taking care of that for me."

Sunday, August 9, 2009

50th High School Reunion

About 30 years ago I realized we'd been out of school 20 years and never saw much of one another, so seeing as how I only had a ton of other things to do I set about finding my classmates (there were only 50 or s0) and sending out invitations for a reunion. I conned someone in our hometown into having the party at their house, and we got together. Some of them hadn't been back since. But every three years there's a Trienniel Alumni Reunion for South Whitley High School, so we have a class reunion then also. This year it was our 50th year since graduation in 1959. Hard to believe.

I made it easy on myself this time. I merely pointed at people and told them what to do. I'm executive material here. We planned a two day class reunion followed up with attendance of our class as the honor class at the Alumni Reunion. What a good time we had. We had a great turn out. People who hadn't been seen in 30 years and in one case 54 years turned up...and we all looked like we were 16. Perhaps its because I love them all so much!! If you'd like to see pictures of all these 68 year olds who look 16 go to my Facebook page: