Just watching John Edwards new show. There was a cool thing one of the audience members said, "We shouldn't mourn someone's passing, we should celebrate the fact we were able to experience them in our lives." That's a special message. When he asked another woman how she dealt with the death of her small child she said "Always Blessings, Never Losses." Everyone in the audience was crying, and John Edwards couldn't talk. I've been noticing as I go to funerals these days, the differences in families and the way they deal with the passing of their family members. If you didn't know the families you might make a judgment that they were indifferent to the passing because they weren't weeping and carrying on. In some cases they are visiting with friends, and hugging and smiling and saying how glad they are to see their old friends they haven't seen for awhile. Our family behaves that way. And then I've been to those funerals where people are weeping and carrying on and just beside themselves with the passing of their family member or friend. I've figured out the difference between these two types of families. The families who are smiling and visiting have a deep faith and know they are celebrating the memories of their loved ones, while the families who are weeping, aside from feeling they have been deprived of being with their loved ones, feel they will never ever see them again.
I remember my Grandad Terman's funeral. It was all I could do to keep from laughing because I felt he was sitting on my shoulder whispering in my ear. He didn't like the fact there was a minister he didn't know officiating at his funeral. My Grandad believed in Creator. He just didn't think much of church. I think this is because he was at least one-half Miami Indian and he had his own beliefs. He was one with nature and knew that God was in and through everything.
I know those who've crossed over are around us, protecting us, observing us all the time. There's a certain reassurance in knowing this. Sylvia Browne says "the other side" is right here with us, i.e., it's another plane, but it is just above us and all around us...which is why our loved ones who've crossed over can be all around us. Sometimes I think they're over there on the other side studying and learning and observing things, and when we call them for assistance, they're probably thinking "hey, I'm busy, can't you figure this out yourself!" In otherwords, they're having a good and peaceful time and don't really want to be drawn back to the drama and trauma on this side. So perhaps the answer to this is to leave the drama and trauma out of our own lives, live peacefully and joyfully, loving your life here on earth, and looking forward to when you can cross over to the good and peaceful atmosphere on the other side.